

False emails and suspicious telephone calls in the name of Nhood Services or Ceetrus have been reported, some even involving identity theft. Under no circumstances do we canvass for financial investments. If you are a tenant and receive a request to change your bank details, please call your usual sales contact or reference manager to check that the request is justified. If you receive membership applications or commercial offers asking you to provide your bank details, please do not respond and inform us. Thank you for your vigilance.

We are an impact
property investor aiming
to sustainably transform

its sites for the prosperity of local communities, with and for the living.

Imagine a brand new world!

Where building with others is simple,
where investing in territories is more natural,
where engaging with communities is capital.

A world in which cultivating life has value
and caring for the fragile makes us all stronger.

We are determined to make this new world a reality and we are
committed to respecting it because it is our common heritage.

Make it thrive with and for the living is our purpose.

Ceetrus, foncièrement vivant.
Watch our video manifesto

Our assets

billion euros of real estate assets

development projects

retail driven sites

million m2


Ceetrus assigns the real estate operator Nhood to animate, regenerate and transform its assets portfolio